
蘇州維修電話696l6769,> 維修資料 > hp > 蘇州hpHP LaserJet M1130 Pro售后維修電話696l6769> 蘇州hp打印機維修服務網

hp LaserJet M1130 Pro常見故障代碼描述,英文手冊

更新時間:2025/2/11 1:38:46,view:131


• Code: -
• Image: 所有燈都滅
• Description:The product is turned off.
• Remedy:Press the power button to turn on the product.
• Code: -
• Image: 左側亮燈閃爍
• Description:The status lights cycle during the formatter initialization period or when the product is processing a cleaning page.
• Remedy:No action is required. Wait for the initialization period to end. The product should enter the ready state when the initialization period is finished.
• Code: -
• Image: 左側第一個燈常亮
• Description:The product is in the ready state.
• Remedy:No action is required. The product is ready to receive a print job.
• Code: -
• Image:
• Description:The product is receiving or processing data.
• Remedy:No action is required. The product is receiving or processing a print job.
• Code: -
• Image: 左側第一個燈常閃爍
• Description:The print cartridge has reached the end of its estimated useful life. When the supply has reached this condition, the hp Premium Protection warranty for that supply has ended.
• Remedy:You do not need to replace the print cartridge at this time unless print quality is no longer acceptable.
• Code: -
• Image: 墨粉燈常亮
• Description:The product has experienced a continual error from which it will recover on its own.
• Remedy:If the recovery is successful, the product continues to the processing data state and completes the job. If the recovery is unsuccessful, the product continues to the continuable error state. Try removing any paper from the paper path and turning the product power off, and then on again.
• Code: E0
• Image: 第一個燈常亮,第二個燈閃爍
• Description:Paper is jammed in the product.
• Remedy:Clear the jam.
• Code: E1
• Image:
• Description:The input tray is empty.
• Remedy:Load the tray.
• Code: E2
• Image:
• Description:A door is open
• Remedy:Verify that the print-cartridge door is fully closed.
• Code: E3
• Image:
• Description:The print cartridge is missing or is not installed correctly.
• Remedy:Install the print cartridge.D
• Code: E4
• Image:
• Description:The product memory is full
• Remedy:The job is too complex for the product to print. Simplify the job, or divide it into multiple files.
• Code: E5
• Image:
• Description:The product did not pick up paper from the tray.
• Remedy:You might need to clean or replace the pickup roller.
• Code: E7
• Image:
• Description:Fuser error
• Remedy:1. Turn off the product or disconnect the power cord from the product. 2. Wait 30 seconds, and then turn on the product or reconnect the power cord to the product. 3. Wait for the product to initialize. 4. If the error persists, replace the component.
• Code: E8
• Image:
• Description:Scanner error
• Remedy:1. Turn off the product or disconnect the power cord from the product. 2. Wait 30 seconds, and then turn on the product or reconnect the power cord to the product. 3. Wait for the product to initialize. 4. If the error persists, replace the component.
• Code: E9
• Image:
• Description:Engine communication error
• Remedy:1. Turn off the product or disconnect the power cord from the product. 2. Wait 30 seconds, and then turn on the product or reconnect the power cord to the product. 3. Wait for the product to initialize. 4. If the error persists, replace the component.
• Code: H0
• Image:
• Description:The product is in manual-feed mode.
• Remedy:Load the correct paper type and size into the input tray.
• Code: H1
• Image:
• Description:The product is processing a manual duplex job.
• Remedy:Load the pages into the input tray to print the second sides.


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