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hp Latex 3000常見故障代碼描述,英文手冊8

更新時間:2025/1/17 9:20:47,view:79


Code: 51.04.00:92
Emergency stops and/or safety relay activated. Check that emergency stops are not activated. If the problem persists, run diagnostic to identify problem.
a. Emergency stop is really activated. b. Emergency stop is not connected or wiring is damaged. c. Emergency stop is broken.
1. Run diagnostic to check which emergency stop is raising the problem. 2. Check the wiring. 3. Replace the emergency stop.
Code: 52.00.00:01
Drop detector all-sensors problem. Run subsystem diagnostic. Call support if diagnostic fails or print quality is affected.
a. Service-station interconnect board or cable failed. b. Main interconnect board failed.
1. Check the service-station interconnect board cable connections at both ends (service station and main interconnect board). Make sure that the cable is well connected and check cable integrity, replace parts if required. 2. Ensure that power (12 V and 5 V) is reaching the board (Power LEDs on). Check the LEDs in the dropdetector interconnect. 3. Replace the service-station interconnect board and cable. 4. Replace the main interconnect board after finding the root cause of the failure, such as drop detector or faulty cable.
Code: 52.00.00:83
Drop detector all-sensors problem. Run subsystem diagnostic. Call your support representative if the diagnostic fails or print quality is affected.
Due to NVM change, because of a reset or hard disk replacement.
Repeat the calibration.
Code: 52.00.00:91
Drop-detector bump switch not activated. Reboot in diagnostic mode and run subsystem diagnostic. If the problem persists, call your support representative and store printheads in their orange caps.
a. Bump is detected but bump switch is not activated. b. Drop-detector shutter friction is too high at some point, detecting a bump before reaching the bump switch. c. Bump switch is broken or disconnected.
1. Check that the drop-detector worm and sliders are clean and greased, and there is no high friction zone along its displacement. 2. If the drop-detector shutter reaches the switch but is not detected, check the cable and /or replace the bump switch.
Code: 52.01.01:01 ... 52.01.07:01
Drop-detector sensor 0X issue detected, sensor disabled. Run subsystem diagnostic. Call your support representative if diagnostic fails, or print quality is affected. The drop detectors’ basic operation consists of receiving power to feed an LED transmitter and a receiver situated at both sides of the drop-detector window. In standby with no drops or interference in the drop detector window, the transmitter is permanently powered and the receiver receives a signal of medium range (total range from 0 to 255, medium range signal around 127). The system error is displayed when the drop detector is 0 in standby (12 V supplied to the drop detectors, but there is no drop detection activity).
a. Drop detector disconnected b. Drop detector failed c. Service station interconnect board or cable failed d. Main interconnect board failed
1. Make sure that the drop detector is correctly connected to the service station interconnect board. Use diagnostics to check whether the drop detector is disconnected or faulty. 2. Swap the problematical drop detector connection with another drop detector to check whether the problem is with the actual drop detector. If so, replace the drop detector. 3. Check the service station interconnect board cable connections at both ends. Make sure the cable is well connected and check cable integrity, replace parts if required. 4. Ensure power (12 V and 5 V) arrives to the board (Power LEDs on). Check the LEDs in the drop detector interconnect. 5. Replace service station interconnect board and cable. 6. Replace the OMAS PCA.
Code: 52.01.01:83 ... 52.01.07:83
Drop-detector sensor X not calibrated, sensor disabled. Run subsystem diagnostic. Call your support representative if diagnostic fails, or print quality is affected.. The drop detector is unable to detect its exact position to perform the drop detection. When performing a drop detection, the printer performs a synchronization with the linear encoder and the tail encoder located in the service station motor in order to establish its position with respect to the drop detector windows before performing the actual drop detection action. This error indicates that this synchronization cannot be achieved as the readings from the two encoders do not match according to the movements performed.
a. Intermittent failure mostly seen when previously used printheads are installed b. Drop detector linear encoder strip not correctly installed or connected c. Drop detector linear encoder sensor dirty, disconnected, or failed d. Incorrect calibration of drop detector system e. Power not arriving to the service station PCA f. Service station interconnect board or cable failure g. Main interconnect board failure
1. Check the functionality of the drop detector. 2. Check the linear encoder strip in the service station. Make sure that the encoder strip is correctly installed in the sensor and well placed in its holders at each end. 3. Check the linear encoder sensor connection. Perform the drop detector diagnostic test to check the linear encoder. If the test fails, replace the encoder system. 4. Perform a drop detector calibration. 5. Ensure power (12 V and 5 V) is reaching the service station interconnect board (power LEDs on). 6. If power is getting through (LEDs on), replace the service station interconnect board and cable. 7. If there is no power (LEDs off), replace the main interconnect board. 8. Check the cable connections of the service station system. If no failure is found, replace the service station interconnect board. 9. Replace the main interconnect board. a. Print the nozzle check by following the directions in the service menu. b. Cancel the drying time to save 10–15 minutes. c. If no failure is detected, there no need to go further, the drop detector is working correctly and the intermittent system error is due to the high usage of the printheads.
Code: 52.02.00:83
Calibration LS2K missing. Automatic substrate load and alignment disabled, only manual options available. Contact your support representative.
a. Calibration value missing b. Unable to perform calibration
1. Repeat the calibration. 2. Replace the sensor.
Code: 52.02.01:11 ... 52.02.04:11
Drop-detector electronics X, 5 V power issue. Run subsystem diagnostic. Call support if the diagnostic fails, or print quality is affected.
a. Cabling connector problem b. Drop-detector PCA problem c. PSU problem (check whether this error happens to all drop-detector sensors)
1. Run the drop-detector diagnostics. 2. Check drop-detector PCA LEDs for troubleshooting. See Board name: Drop-detector PCA. 3. Replace the faulty part.

Code: 52.02.01:12 ... 52.02.04:12
Drop-detector electronics X, 12 V power issue. Run subsystem diagnostic. Call your support representative if the diagnostic fails, or print quality is affected.
a. Cabling connector problem b. Drop-detector PCA problem c. PSU problem (check whether this error happens to all drop-detector sensors)
1. Run the drop-detector diagnostics. 2. Check the drop-detector PCA LEDs for troubleshooting. See Board name: Drop-detector PCA. 3. Replace the faulty part.
Code: 52.03.00:01
Drop-detector encoder synchronization issue. Please run substsyem diagnostics. If problem persists, call your support representative. When performing drop detection, the printer performs synchronization with the linear encoder and the tail encoder located in the service-station motor in order to establish its position with respect to the dropdetector windows before performing the actual drop-detection action. This error indicates that this synchronization cannot be achieved as the readings from the two encoders do not match according to the movements performed.
a. Intermittent failure due to used printheads that are not in good condition b. Drop-detector linear-encoder sensor dirty, disconnected, or failed c. The drop detection tray cannot move smoothly due to excessive friction or a mechanical problem d. Incorrect calibration of drop-detector system e. Failure in the service station motor, motor drive PCA, DD MUX PCAs, or connecting cables
1. Check the nozzle health of the printheads. 2. Check the linear encoder strip in the service station. Make sure that the encoder strip is clean, correctly installed in the sensor, and correctly placed in its holders at each end. 3. Check the linear encoder sensor connection. Perform the drop-detector diagnostic test to check the linear encoder. If the test fails, replace the encoder system. 4. Grease the worm with a recommended grease, and make sure bushings are not damaged. 5. Check the functionality of the drop detector: œ Print the nozzle check. œ Cancel the drying time to save 10.15 minutes. œ If no failure is detected, there is no need to go further, the drop detector is working correctly, and the intermittent system error is due to the high usage of the printheads. 6. Perform a drop-detector calibration. 7. If there is no power (LEDs off), replace the e-box interconnect board. See E-box interconnect PCA. 8. Check the cable connections of the service-station system.
Code: 52.04.00:02
Drop-detector movement test fault. Run subsystem diagnostic. Call your support representative if the diagnostic fails, or print quality is affected.
a. Shuttle blocked b. Friction too high
1. Use a screwdriver to ensure that the shuttle is not jammed against the structure. 2. Clean and oil the worm and rod sliders if necessary. 3. Run the backlash/elasticity diagnostic. 4. If the problem persists, replace the part.
Code: 52.04.00:08
Drop-detector station jam. Reboot and run subsystem diagnostic. Call your support representative if the diagnostic fails, or print quality is affected.
a. Shuttle blocked b. Friction too high
1. Ensure with a screwdriver that the shuttle is not jammed against the structure. 2. Clean and oil the worm and rod sliders if necessary. 3. Run the backlash/elasticity diagnostic. 4. If the problem persists, replace the part.
Code: 52.05.12:04
Motor driver PCA comm failure. Run subsystem diagnostic. If the problem persists, call your support representative.
a. Service-station interconnect: main interconnect board cable disconnected, pin connection fault b. Power not reaching the service station PCA (5 V pin 19 and 12 V pin 2, GND 20&1) c. Service-station Interconnect fault d. Main interconnect board failed e. Engine PCI bBoard f. Firmware error/corruption
1. Check the cable connections from the service-station interconnect board to the main interconnect board. Check for cable or pin damage. 2. Check that power is reaching the service-station interconnect (12 V and 5 V) (Power LEDs on). 3. If there is power (LEDs on) and no other failure is found, replace the service-station interconnect board and cable. 4. If there is no power (LEDs off), replace the main interconnect board. 5. Replace the main interconnect board. 6. Replace the service-station interconnect. 7. Replace the engine PCI board. 8. Reinstall the firmware and perform drop-detector calibrations. 9. Replace the hard disk drive.
Code: 55.00.00:02
Line sensor communication with EEPROM failure. Automatic substrate load and alignment disabled. Only manual options available. Contact your support representative.
a. Line sensor disconnected b. Line sensor failed c. Sensor interconnect failed d. Carriage interconnect failed
1. Check line sensor connections in the sensor interconnect. 2. Perform the line sensor check. See Table 5-12 Carriage sensors. 3. Replace the line sensor. See Line sensor. 4. Replace the carriage sensor box. 5. Replace the carriage interconnect board.
Code: 55.01.00:83
Calibration gain offset missing. Automatic substrate load and alignment disabled, only manual options available. Contact your support representative.
a. Calibration value is missing. b. Unable to do the calibration.
1. Repeat calibration. 2. Check connections. 3. Replace line sensor.
Code: 55.02.00:83
Calibration LS2K missing. Automatic substrate load and alignment disabled. Only manual options available. Contact your support representative.
a. Calibration value is missing. b. Unable to do the calibration.
Repeat the calibration.
Code: 58.00.00:01
CLC failure. Calibration wasn't completed successfully. Run subsystem diagnostics. If the problem persists, call your support representative.
a. SOL shutter is jammed. b. Sensor is dirty.
Replace the sensor.
Code: 58.00.00:02
CLC measures not increasing value. Check that you have set the right substrate. Run subsystem diagnostics. If the problem persists, call your support representative.
a. Job pattern is not printed correctly. b. Sensor shutter is jammed. c. Sensor has failed.
1. Check the job pattern. 2. Check printhead nozzle health. 3. Check the sensor shutter. 4. Replace the sensor.
Code: 58.00.00:75
Error saving data on hard disk, out of memory. Calibration wasn't completed successfully. Run subsystem diagnostics. If the problem persists, call your support representative.
a. Temporary problem b. Permanent damage to the hard disk drive
Run subsystem diagnostic.
Code: 58.00.00:85
CLC white substrate measure out of range. Check that you have set the right substrate. Run subsystem diagnostics. If the problem persists, call your support representative.
If substrate and printed job are OK, the most probable cause is a sensor failure.
Replace the SOL sensor.
Code: 58.02.00:02
SOL shutter door open/close check failure. SOL sensor unusable due to shutter door issue. Run subsystem diagnostics. If the problem persists, call your support representative.
SOL sensor is open because of a substrate jam, or is failing.
Run the SOL calibration diagnostic and open the cleaning roll door to check that the shutter is properly closed. If it is failing, replace it.
Code: 58.03.00:04
Color sensor communication error. Run subsystem diagnostics. If the problem persists, call your support representative.
a. Cabling problem b. Color sensor problem
1. Check cabling, and replace it if necessary. 2. Run subsystem diagnostic. 3. Check the sensor, and replace it if necessary.
Code: 58.03.00:84
SOL calibration failure. Calibration wasn't completed successfully. Run subsystem diagnostics. If the problem persists, call your support representative.
a. Calibration has failed. b. The printheads have a lot of blocked nozzles and the pattern is not printed properly. c. The sensor is faulty.
1. Check printhead health. 2. Repeat the calibration and replace the sensor if the problem persists. 3. Run subsystem diagnostic.
Code: 58.03.00:85
SOL measure error (out of range measure). Calibration wasn't completed successfully. Run subsystem diagnostics. If the problem persists, call your support representative.
a. Calibration has failed. b. The printheads have a lot of blocked nozzles and the pattern is not printed properly. c. The sensor is faulty.
1. Run subsystem diagnostic. 2. Check printhead health. 3. Repeat the calibration and replace the sensor if the problem persists.
Code: 61.01.00:85
No data received from IPS. Check that IPS and engine are up and running, and data cable is connected. If the problem persists, call your support representative.
a. The data cable between the Internal Print Server and the printer engine is disconnected or damaged. b. The printer or engine is not working. c. The network is not correctly configured.
1. Check that data cable and connections are OK. 2. Ensure that Internal Print Server and printer engine (lights and LEDs) are up and running. 3. Ensure that the printer configuration in the Internal Print Software is as recommended.
Code: 61.02.00:01
Unexpected printing interrupt. Job canceled. Check that you have the recommended IPS configuration and the right connection between IPS and printer engine, also run drying diagnostics. If the problem persists, call your support representative.
The job is cancelled because the safety heater timeout has been triggered: the substrate is spending too much time in the print zone with high-powered lamps. Usually this is because a lack of system performance: the Internal Print Server is not providing data to the engine fast enough.
1. Check that the Internal Print Server computer has the recommended configuration and no other thirdparty software installed. 2. Check the performance of the hard disk drive. If the problem persists, replace the hard disk drive. See Ebox hard disk drive. 3. Run printhead control link and drying diagnostics.
Code: 61.09.00:04
Unexpected end of file. Job cancelled. Check that you have the recommended IPS configuration and the right connection between IPS and printer engine. Check that your file is OK. If the problem persists, call your support representative.
a. Sporadic error b. Job file corruption c. Connection problem between IPS and printer engine d. Very strange printer firmware or Internal Print Server software corruption
1. Check that the Internal Print Server configuration is as recommended and there is no software running that could reduce performance. 2. Turn off the printer, wait 10 seconds, then restart the printer. 3. The job file may be corrupted or cropped, try to RIP it again. 4. Check the connection between Internal Print Server and printer engine. 5. Reinstall printer firmware and Internal Print Server sofware.
Code: 79.04, 79.X:04
Generic firmware error
a. An internal firmware error has occurred in the printer. If the error persists, retrieve the printer’s error logs and escalate the problem to hp. b. The 79.X:04 error is advisory, and does not require an immediate reboot. It reports that the firmware is functional and that the printer can still be used, but recommends restarting the printer when possible in order to ensure that this system error will not be displayed again. c. A 79:04 system error is usually a consequence of an immediate printer shutdown following another system error.
1. Switch the printer off and on. 2. If the error persists, check that the printer has the latest firmware version. If not, update the firmware to the latest version. 3. Perform the hard disk test from the e-box subsystem diagnostic. 4. If possible, extract the service plot and interpret the results. 5. If the error persists, replace the hard disk drive
Code: 79.04.00:00
Generic system error. Reboot the printer. If the problem persists, call your support representative
a. This system error code can also be displayed as 79:04 or 79.1:04 (generic firmware error). b. An internal firmware error has occurred in the printer. If the error persists, retrieve the printer’s error logs and escalate the problem to hp. c. The 79.1:04 error is an advisory error, not forcing the customer to restart the printer immediately, reporting that the internal firmware is not critical and that the printer can still be used, but recommend restarting the printer when possible in order to ensure that this system error will not be displayed again. d. A 79:04 system error is usually a consequence of an immediate printer shutdown following another system error.
1. Switch the printer off and then on again. 2. If the error persists, check that the printer has the latest firmware version. If not, update the firmware to the latest version. 3. Perform the hard disk test from the e-box subsystem diagnostic. 4. If possible, extract the service plot and interpret the results. 5. If the error persists, replace the hard disk drive.
Code: 79:03
A critical error has occurred in the communication between the formatter board and one of the engine PCI boards.
a. Sporadic error b. PCI board connection failure c. Faulty engine board d. Faulty formatter board
1. Turn off the printer, wait 10 seconds, then restart the printer. 2. Disconnect both PCI boards from the formatter and clean the PCI ports by blowing into them. Clean the PCI contacts in the engine boards and reconnect. 3. Replace the engine board. See Engine PCA. 4. Replace the formatter board.
Code: 86.00.00:02
Scan-axis length test failure. Check scan-axis path, clean encoder, run diagnostic. If the problem persists, call your support representative. The scan-axis length is not as expected.
a. A high friction point, or something blocking the carriage path b. Damage to the scan-axis encoder strip
1. Check for possible obstructions in the carriage path (with the printer turned off, manually uncap the service station and move the carriage along the scan axis to search for possible high friction points. Look for objects or possible problems in the carriage path, the rods, bushings, and platen area. 2. Perform the service function test, which can help to diagnose any possible problem with friction problems in the gear axis. 3. Check for possible damage in the scan-axis encoder strip and replace if required.
Code: 86.01.00:01
Carriage movement failure. Make sure maintenance routines are up to date and then select Reinitialize carriage from the Tools menu. Perform the carriage-rail cleaning process; if the problem persists, call your support representative.
a. Sporadic problem b. Carriage movement jammed c. Carriage movement friction too high
1. Ensure that there is no obstacle in the carriage path. 2. Perform carriage rail maintenance to clean the rails and check friction. 3. Run the scan-axis diagnostics to check whether the problem comes from other part. 4. Reinitialize the carriage, if it continues failing.

Code: 86.01.00:02
Scan-axis direction test failure. Run diagnostic. If the problem persists, call your support representative.
a. A high friction point or something blocking the carriage path b. Damage to the scan-axis encoder strip
1. Run subsystem diagnostic. 2. Check for possible obstructions in the carriage path (with the printer turned off, manually uncap the service station and move the carriage along the scan axis to search for possible high friction points. Look for objects or possible problems in the carriage path, the rods, bushings, and platen area. 3. Check for possible damage to the scan-axis encoder strip and replace it if necessary
Code: 86.03.01:92
Scan stop triggered by rear safety sensor. Reinitialize carriage. If the problem persists, call your support representative.
Run subsystem diagnostic.
Code: 86.03.02:92
Scan stop triggered by front safety sensor. Reinitialize carriage. If the problem persists, call your support representative.
Safety element activated
Run subsystem diagnostic.
Code: 86.04.00:08
Possible scan-axis jam detected. Check that servicing and substrate paths are completely clean and clear of obstacles and afterwards perform Reinitialize Carriage from IPS. If problem persists run subsystem diagnostics and call your service representative.
a. Intermittent or sporadic problem b. Obstacle in the carriage path c. Carriage friction too high d. Encoder strip damaged e. Motor or motor PCA damaged
1. Run the scan-axis diagnostics. 2. Ensure that the carriage path is free of obstacles. 3. Perform the scan-axis cleaning process. 4. Check the encoder strip and replace it if it is damaged. See Encoder strip. 5. Replace the motor.


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