
蘇州惠普打印機維修服務網(wǎng) > 維修資料 > 惠普 > 蘇州惠普m401D售后維修電話696l6769 > 正文


更新時間:2025/1/29 19:50:33,view:82
Code 59.xx
Display 59.xx Error
Description Developer motor rotation error. (顯影倉馬達旋轉(zhuǎn)錯誤)
1. Reconnect the connector (J518) on the developing disengagement motor, the connector (J1005) on the driver PCA and the connector (J91) on the DC controller PCA.
2. Run the sensor test in the sensor monitor mode to verify that the developing disengagement sensor is functioning correctly. If it is not, replace the developing disengagement sensor unit.
3. Run the developing unit engagement and disengagement drive test in the actuator drive mode to verify that the disengagement mechanism is functioning correctly. If it is not functioning correctly, replace the developing disengagement motor.惠普m401D報錯59.A0


相關(guān)資料補充_蘇州惠普維修點客服電話_m401D維修手冊_錯誤代碼59.A00512-69616769 更新日期2024/12/29 9:21:40

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