
蘇州hp打印機維修服務網 > 維修資料 > hp > 蘇州HP LaserJet P2015n售后維修電話696l6769 > 正文

hp LaserJet P2015n常見故障代碼描述,英文手冊

Code: 50
Fuser error. The fuser has a malfunction
1. Unplug the printer for at least ten minutes, and then plug it in again. 2. Verify that the fuser connector and thermistor connector are both firmly seated in the ECU 3. Perform a heating element resistance check. 4. If the resistance readings are correct, but the error persists, replace the fuser.
Code: 52
Laser/scanner error. The laser/scanner has a malfunction.
1. Check the laser/ scanner cable connections. 2. If the error persists, replace the laser/ scanner.
Code: 55
Engine error. The formatter and engine are not communicating
1. Unplug the printer, and then plug it in again. 2. Reseat the formatter cable in the ECU. 3. If the error persists, replace the formatter. 4. If, after replacing the formatter, the error persists, replace the ECU.
Code: 57
Fan motor error
1. Check the fan cable connections. 2. If the error persists, replace the fan.
Code: 79
General fatal error
1. Turn the printer off, and then turn the printer on again. 2. If the error persists, disconnect the I/O cable and print an engine test. If the selftest is successful, reconnect the I/O cable. 3. If the error persists, replace the formatter. 55 50007 Engine error. The formatter and engine are not communicating. 1. Unplug the printer, and
Code: XX
Accessory error
If the printer has an accessory error, press and hold the Go button to see the secondary error message. Release the Go button to return to the initial accessory error state.


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